TC Students React to the January 6th Terrorist Attacks at the Capitol
Kate Casper
While in seventh period, your phone starts blowing up—texts, Twitter notifications, Instagram stories, and reposts all flood in about what is going on in Washington D.C. There are thousands of protesters and rioters in the streets of the nation’s capital to support the president and his false claims of a stolen election. And then you see it: hundreds of people violently storming the Capitol building, wielding Trump flags, Make America Great Again hats, and the occasional assault rifle. They are stealing, breaking, and vandalizing the Capitol, and now four are dead.
What happened January 6, 2021 will make it into the AP U.S. History curriculum in only a matter of years, and T.C. students in the shadow of the nation’s capital, are outraged. Junior Alana Cohen said this “is a defining moment in American history that further signifies the current split of our country. It’s difficult to see people who think they are being patriotic and brave, while actually spreading hate and violence. I hope that this is the end of an era, rather than a beginning.”
Hundreds of T.C. Titans took to social media to further air out their frustrations and anger, comparing how the pro-Trump demonstrators were treated to how the Black Lives Matter demonstrators were treated a few short months ago.
These students shared their reactions to the event with Theogony. This is what they had to say: