Enjoy These Highlights from 2017-18

For the last weekly edition of ACPS Express until late-August, we’re celebrating the amazing accomplishments of our students and staff throughout the division for awards they’ve won and recognition they’ve received over the past year, along with highlights of good news we’ve shared along the way. Enjoy!

Budding Artists Show Off their Masterpieces in Gallery Walks

art work "Green Goddess" by 4th grader Nini Carranza Varela

Students were honored at an art showcase reception on Thursday night to celebrate the installation of their artwork in the School Board meeting room. Watch a video with highlights from the event and learn about the 160 additional student art pieces celebrated in Alexandria this month.

Free Meals Available for All Children This Summer

Female student holding lunch tray

This summer, free meals will be available to all Alexandria residents 18 years and younger at 31 sites throughout ACPS and the City of Alexandria. Find out where and spread the word.

Get Inspiration from the Two Reflections Winners Headed to States

Adelaide Flint and Peyton Marcy

Congratulations to Adelaide Flint and Peyton Marcy, who will head to the state level of the National PTA Reflections Art, and the many other students who competed in the Northern Virginia district level contest.

Free Film Screening and Discussion for Day of Remembrance

Japanese teenager incarcerated

Enjoy an afternoon of learning, compliments of the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History. On February 18 the museum will host a free screening of the film “Never Give Up! Minoru Yasui and the Fight For Justice,” in conjunction with the museum’s exhibition, “Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II,” in observance of the Day of Remembrance.
