The Abyss by Nashae Bates

Into the Abyss,
The deep dark treasures of your unconsciousness,
Bottled up emotions of past pain, a jarful of menaces to society which in actuality are harmless,
Demons spilling out from depths of your soul,
Hidden under all that makeup is a rough draft of you,
A non-revised version of your mental being,
Playing the game.
Notice that you are just a pawn in the world we live in,
Taking laws and rules and morphing you into the person you are,
Hiding the real you from yourself so deep that you wouldn’t even know it was there,
Where, you ask?
In the Abyss.
A collection of dreams, hallucinations,
The porn of your mind, I may add,
Your wants and needs that you may not fulfill.
In the Abyss lies a creepy critter with demon eyes and red hair,
Horns of the Devil, ears of a monstrous thing but yet no mouth,
Hands tied behind its back ready to break free,
But the hold society has on us won’t let us see,
The Me, the You, the Real,
Experience what it’s like to be free.