Headline Poem by Yonas Araya


Immigrant mother approves
Immigrant grandmother doesn’t
Absent Father has no comment.
Aryan step grandfather gives black recruiter dirty looks when she comes to the house

Biracial boy see’s this as a way out
No longer will he sleep on the couch in a home that isn’t his
No longer will his family have to wait until the 1st to have a full fridge

Biracial boy signs up for the military

The black in him warns him not to trust the system
It pleads for him to remember the corrupt officers that left Daryl on the corner for hours
That social worker that tried to break his family apart
The system that has failed him so many times
His Spanish side answers back
“You will not change the system in your lifetime,
What other way do you have to break the cycle?”

Biracial boy signs up for the military

His friends say he is a sell out
An Uncle Tom trying to secure his seat in the house
They say he is getting brainwashed
“What happened to the boy that could unite a school?’
They think he is two different people…
He’s scared they might be right

Biracial boy signs up for the military

He achieves financial security
He has life insurance and a family that isn’t on government assistance
He sends both of his children to college

Biracial boy signs up for the military, without signing away his soul.