Focus by Jarrett Alexander

Unable to focus. Then again have I ever been able to?

The unfixable problem of distraction.

My minds off track, but I can get back….

Cats. Here we go. They’re strange animals.

Always wanting love but never giving it back.

And there are so many videos. People love them.

YouTube. Video central. Mostly of these cats.

It’s a great site. So many options, so funny.

Funny. TV. Netflix! Maybe I should find something on Netflix.

But is it worth the time?

Time. What time is it? I want some Twizzlers,

The filled sweet and sour kind. They’re at CVS

CVS. What does that stand for? Does anybody know?

Strange people there too. Like that woman who dug way too deep into my personal life.

Asking so many questions. All about my relationships.

Why lady? I don’t know you.

Or do I maybe I did. Uh oh. I probably did.

I need new head phones. But they’re so expensive.

Wait, there was something… something I was doing.

Was it important?

Ugh. I did it again. It’s so frustrating.

Frustration. Is that an emotion? What are emotions?

Just chemical reactions too…

Chemical. Chemistry. Science. Homework!

I was doing homework. Let’s get back on it.

Almost done a few more questions. Just don’t lose it again.

Focus. Just stay focused. Don’t get distracted. There’s nothing that ….
