• Spotlight

    A Sustainable Spotlight

    Passionate teachers are hard to find these days, but Patrick Earle is one of the good ones! Mr. Earle is a multi-subject teacher at ACHS who creates a fun and engaging learning environment. He has a lot of environmental knowledge that he enjoys sharing with today’s youth.

  • Spotlight

    Mentor, Coach, Educator, Author: What Can’t He Do?

    For hundreds of students at the Minnie Howard campus of ACHS, Student Support Services Coordinator Kevin McNutt is a friendly face they see every day. Greeting them at the entrance with a smile, McNutt asks them about their days. What they, along with most teachers and administrators, might not know is that McNutt is a published author of two books and has lived around the world. They might have never guessed that he was the star player of George Mason University’s basketball team or that he refereed the likes of Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant in a lengthy officiating career. The list goes on. As much as there is to…