• News

    Titans 4 Making a Difference

    Titans 4 Scholars (T4S) is a student-run organization of 12 juniors who create fundraisers to raise money to ensure that each ACHS student, regardless of socioeconomic background, has the opportunity to attend college. The program runs for seven weeks and plans to raise $12,000 for an ACHS student to attend all four years of college.

  • Spotlight

    SFA is in Full Swing: FAQs and Deadlines

    The Scholarship Fund is in full swing, and deadlines have been set for many of the main parts of the scholarship. For many students, this scholarship is an accessible way to receive aid for college. Here are some of the frequently asked questions and important information that you need to know to submit your application from Director of Scholarship Programming Alyssa Samuel of the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria Scholarship Office.