
Company Collections

Sophia Jones

Staff writer

The Company of Books (TCB) lives at 1712 Mt Vernon Ave, and the small store is almost like a gateway into another world. 

The owner, Don Alexander, is a retired Federal Government lawyer, who opened and operated the former “Book Bank” in Old Town until its closing during the pandemic. 

“TCB was founded in July 2020 and is owned by a nonprofit corporation with a volunteer Board of Directors and a small paid staff.”

He strives to collect and donate books and funds to multiple education charities. Additionally, the store contains books from multiple genres, such as music and horror. All the books are used books, donated by people looking to make more space on their shelves.

“In the early days of the pandemic many people were cleaning their houses and disposing of things like excess books, but places that traditionally accepted donations of used books were not accepting them,” Alexander said.

TCB’s website has a list of books they take as donations and the amount of money they can get from said donations. Their website also lists the books they do not need or can not take. If you’d like to donate, TCB takes books from 12 pm- 4 pm every day. 

Make sure to stop into the donated library when you are walking down the avenue!

Sophia is a sophomore on the King Street campus, writer, and photographer. she is a coffee and mural enthusiast.