
Titan Tik Tokers

How do TC Titans really feel about Tik Tok?

Alexandra McArver, Katie Mathews, and Eliza Coast

Being a Tik Tok influencer is no easy job, but it’s worth it for the 500 million people who have downloaded the app across the globe. Tik Tok is a social media app used for creating videos that are a brief fifteen seconds long. These videos can include jokes, dancing, lip-syncing, or skits. 

The app has recently become popular among teenagers, especially high schoolers, although students at T.C. Williams have mixed opinions about the app.

“It’s addicting…I get lost, but it gives me something to do and allows me to not be bored with my life,” said junior Alex Kelley.

Tik Tok was adapted from an app known as, which was predominantly used for lip-syncing. The app recently made a comeback and is now being considered the “new” Vine, which was an app that was shut down in 2016 where people could post six second comedic videos.

While Tik Tok may seem like all fun and games, some Titans don’t like the app. “I don’t care for it, it seems irrelevant to me,” said freshman Bronwyn Gaw.

Senior Adam Yakoub said, “I feel like [Tik Tok] tried to be like Vine but it failed.” 

“Tik Tok is a serious illness that needs to stop. I am concerned about the health of these tik tokers,” said sophomore DeAngelo Palucho. 

There is also a question of how much time spent on Tik Tok is too much. The average Tik Tok user spends 52 minutes a day on the app. 

Sophomore Deirdre Brown said that she spends around 4 hours daily on Tik Tok. Senior Katherine McGowan said, “I spend around 8 hours a week on Tik Tok. I clearly need to rethink my life choices.”

Tik Tok is a global platform, meaning that people from anywhere in the world can share and view content.

Tik Tok created by the TC Volleyball Team featured on Everyday Titan.

“I don’t have it but I like it… People around the world can communicate and share creative ideas,” said sophomore Esme Damico-Lassman.

“I make friends on Tik Tok,” said Brown. 

Students have opinions on the popular app, but teachers and administrators also have their own thoughts on Tik Tok. English Honors 10 and AP English teacher Matthew Henry said, “I think it’s something fun for kids until adults start using it and then kids will move on to something else.” 

“They’re amusing to watch if they’re done well…I’ve never used it but I’ve seen people use it,” said Campus Administrator Carmen Sanders. “Depends on the purpose, if [Tik Tok] is fun and just has some type of recreational purpose, I think it’s fine.”

Regardless of Titans’ opinions on Tik Tok, it is clearly an influential platform that allows many users to express themselves.