Did you know that you can affect change at ACPS by serving on a School Board Advisory Committee?
Advisory committees provide an opportunity to get more deeply involved in issues you care about and to collaborate with others to impact those issues.
I joined the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee because I believe it is important for employers of all sizes to help shape the workforce of tomorrow. One of the best ways to do that is to support ACPS teachers and administrators by providing them with real-world experiences that they can use to shape their programs and communicate to their students.” — David Remick, Executive Director, Alexandria/Arlington Regional Workforce Council, and CTE Advisory Committee Chair
Last year, the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee on which Remick serves revised and rewrote the CTE strategic plan to promote student engagement, work-based learning, and staff professional development, and increased membership on the advisory committee to include representatives from unions, cybersecurity, and health care. It also recruited colleagues from the business sector to help judge student competitions and speak in classrooms.
Although my youngest child graduated from ACPS ten years ago, I joined the TAG Advisory Committee to encourage approaches that identify and serve gifted students from the various ethnic groups and backgrounds represented in our
community. It’s satisfying to give back to a school system that helped prepare my two sons for future academic success.” — Vivian Awumey, TPS Program Manager, Learning and Innovation Office, Library of Congress and TAG Advisory Committee member
Last year, the Talented and Gifted (TAG) Advisory Committee on which Awumey serves advocated to add an instructional specialist to the TAG Office for General Intellectual Aptitude (GIA) and Young Scholars programs and increased awareness of opportunities for talented and gifted students through non-traditional channels in order to reach parents where they already are, like community listservs.
There are a variety of School Board Advisory Committees that need invested community members to serve:
Learn More and Apply
- See the list below for a subject area that strikes a chord with you.
- Attend a meeting of the committee in which you are interested and meet the committee chair and its members.
- Submit an application online if you find a committee that is a good fit.
The Committees
Budget Advisory Committee (BAC)
Advises and supports the School Board by making recommendations related to the operating budget and the financial management of the school system and on budget priorities.
Athletic Hall of Fame Advisory Committee
Develops and reviews nominations for the ACPS Athletic Hall of Fame and recommends nominees to be honored by the School Board.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Advisory Committee
Advises the School Board on the relevance of CTE programs to current and future workplace needs, and assists in developing, implementing and evaluating the CTE plan.
School Health Advisory Board (SHAB)
Assists with developing health policy and evaluating the status of school health, health education, mental health, substance abuse, violence prevention, the school environment and health services.
Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)
Recommends supports for students with disabilities to the School Board and improves sensitivity to and understanding of the needs of students with disabilities.
Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee (TAGAC)
Advises the School Board on the educational needs of gifted students while striving to reflect the ethnic and geographical composition of the school division.
Learn more about each committee, its members, its objectives and its past work.
Please contact the Clerk of the School Board at boardclerk@acps.k12.va.us with questions.