School Board Meeting Summary

Gavel on the school board dais

The School Board met on Sept. 23 with the following topics on the agenda:

  • COVID-19 testing and vaccination for students
  • COVID-19 testing and vaccination for staff
  • Policies
  • Budget calendar and process

At this meeting, the School Board unanimously adopted the following motions by a vote of 8-0 (with one member absent):

  • Beginning Nov. 8, 2021, ACPS will require documentation of completed COVID-19 vaccination status for any student participating in Virginia High School League (VHSL) winter and spring sports, including conditioning, for the remainder of the 2021-22 school year.
  • ACPS staff members will be required, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to submit documentation of their completed COVID-19 vaccination status by November 15, 2021. Only employees who satisfactorily establish medical or religious exemptions by law may participate in weekly COVID-19 testing in lieu of vaccination. Documentation of such testing must be submitted to the Department of Human Resources on a weekly basis. Employees who fail to provide the necessary documentation by November 15, 2021 may be required to take leave without pay or may be separated from service. This requirement was added to Policy GBE: Staff Health, upon approval of this motion.

In addition, the Fiscal Year 2023 budget priorities were the focus of a School Board Work Session that immediately followed this meeting. For School Board meeting agendas and documents, visit Electronic School Board. You can also visit the School Board meeting web page for information on how to view meetings live and participate.