Professional Development Highlights: Teaching Honors-Strategies for Differentiation, Book Club and Supporting English Learners

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- Professional Development

To view all professional development offerings or to sign up for courses, please log in to the PLMS website.

This week’s highlighted courses:

Teaching Honors-Strategies for Differentiation – Part I
Six after-school sessions lasting two hours each will be offered at George Washington and Francis C. Hammond Middle Schools. Teachers may attend at either location. As part of the course, teachers will register for the Google Classroom, “Teaching Honors-Strategies for Differentiation.” #14357 

Book Club: How to Talk so Kids can Learn
Join colleagues for an in-depth discussion and exploration of, “How To Talk So Kids Can Learn” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. The book demonstrates how to motivate kids to learn and succeed in school and to inspire kids to be self-directed, self-disciplined and responsive to learning. It also shows parents and teachers how to help children handle the everyday problems that interfere with learning. #14560 

Supporting English Learners Through Cooperative Learning
During this two-day workshop facilitated by the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL), participants will engage in cooperative learning techniques that build content knowledge and foster language acquisition for second language learners. An emphasis will be placed on how to scaffold the language demands of interactive tasks in order to engage English learners of varying proficiency levels in meaningful classroom discourse. This workshop includes two days of job-embedded follow-up in the form of guided lesson planning, lesson study, and/or coaching. #14441 

To register, please log in to the PLMS website.

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