Professional Development Highlights: Equity Conversations, DBQ Project, Family Engagement and More

Professional Development Highlights
- Professional Development

Here are this week’s professional development offerings. To view all offerings or to sign up for courses, please log into the PLMS website.

Also, be sure to check out the Kognito At-Risk training program for elementary, middle and high school educators on how to recognize and address psychological distress in youth and the Stewards of Children training.

Canvas for Elective Teachers
How can teachers effectively use the Canvas learning management system to improve communication with parents and students? Elective teachers, please join us for a training course for just for elective teachers. Learn how to create pages, post announcements, post assignments and create and use modules. #15351 

Designing and Implementing Equity Conversations
What do members of the equity team need to know to design and implement professional development that addresses disparities in achievement? Participants will work individually or in teams to: create a workshop that will be offered through PLMS; conduct all or portions of the workshop; and receive immediate feedback on the delivery of the workshop. Upon completion of each offering, participants will meet to edit and revise the process. #15348 

The DBQ Project: Teaching All Students to Read, Write and Think Clearly
How can we use online tools to engage all students in higher-level thinking, reading and writing using primary sources and critical thinking skills? This session will help teachers develop strategies for incorporating literacy skills and technology into the study of social studies content. Teachers will access the Document-Based Questioning (DBQ) Project online resources and explore best practices for developing students’ skills in analytical thinking and writing with evidence. Please bring your laptop or Chromebook. #15050 

Parent Resource Center Family Engagement Workshop Series
What are tools and strategies that families can use to address the challenges posed by raising children with and without disabilities? This course will offer information both to families and teachers to address topics including behavior, learning differences, preparing for post-secondary education and life and special education. #15152 

Blended Bite: Nearpod
How can learning be personalized for each student in your classroom? Using with Nearpod, a tool for creation, engagement and assessment! Participate in a live lesson with Nearpod, explore the content library and see how easy it is to import existing presentations into the software. See how Nearpod supports a personalized learning experience for students and learn how lessons created in Nearpod can be shared with students in live or self-paced lessons. #15201 

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