Kicking Off the New School Year

- News and Announcements
The start of school is just a couple of weeks away. Energy is high as we get ready to welcome students on September 4. While all of the preparations are too numerous to mention, here are some highlights.

Superintendent’s 100-Day Entry Plan

Our new Superintendent of Schools Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. has been busy working his 100 Day Entry Plan, which is aligned with the goals of the ACPS 2020 Strategic Plan. To help facilitate his transition, he’s put together a Transition Team composed of a cross-section of ACPS staff — including educators, administrators, support and central office staff — along with alumni, community leaders and individuals representing students, local business and community organizations. You can learn more about Dr. Hutchings and view the list of the Transition Team members.

Welcome to New Administrators

We’re excited to welcome 16 new administrators to our schools this year. Some are new to ACPS while others have moved into new roles. See the full list and welcome them when you see them.

First Day at Ferdinand T. Day and the Early Childhood Center

We’re looking forward to welcoming students, families and staff to the new Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School and the Early Childhood Center on day one. ACPS staff is working alongside the construction crew at Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School to prepare it for students. Teachers are busy setting up their classrooms and are eagerly anticipating greeting student and families on the first day of school.
The doors of the new Early Childhood Center will also open on September 4 to welcome some of Alexandria’s youngest students. Co-located at John Adams Elementary School, the school has its own principal, Heidi A. Haggerty Wagner, and marks the first time ACPS has had a separate pre-K center.

Newly Renovated Cafeterias at George Washington and Francis C. Hammond Middle Schools

Students and staff at George Washington and Francis C. Hammond middle schools will enjoy breakfast and lunch in their newly renovated cafeterias. The remodeled facilities and refreshed space offer more efficient serving and enhanced seating areas.

The High School Project: Inspiring a Future for Alexandria

As preparations are well underway for the new school year, we are also looking to the future with the projects like the one launched earlier this month to define the future high school experience.

ACPS enrollment continues to increase each year. We have reached the point where we need to resolve the capacity issues at the high school level in order to continue to be able to offer a high-quality education for every student who walks through our doors.

Rather than simply looking at buildings, space and land acquisitions in isolation, we are using this opportunity to assess the skills that our students will need to be successful in the workforce in the future, and to anticipate the business needs, not just of a global workforce but that of Alexandria, the D.C. metro area and beyond. This project will potentially create programming aligned with those skill sets and workforce needs.

If we do this successfully, we will not only be redefining the high school experience for ACPS, but also inspiring a direction for Alexandria. Our students are the future generation of the city and their experiences and skills will ultimately define Alexandria.

Over the course of the next two months, we will be holding a series of focus groups featuring students, business leaders, colleges and universities, ACPS families, as well as the wider community. Learn more about the project and about how you can participate in the process. In the meantime, take the online survey.

Here’s to another terrific school year!