Celebrate Digital Citizenship Week Every Day on Facebook With Us

ACPS is celebrating Digital Citizenship Week.

It is an exciting time to be a learner, and the use of digital tools is a daily part of family and community life. Any person who uses devices and tools to engage in a digital space is considered a digital citizen, including parents. Digital Citizenship Week promotes the safe, responsible, and balanced use of these tools and devices.

The International Society for Technology in Education recognizes that students should be digital citizens.  This means students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.”


This year, ACPS has partnered with Common Sense Media, a non-profit organization providing resources, ratings, and reviews for families and educators.  Students in ACPS engage in the Digital Citizenship Curriculum from Common Sense Media. The curriculum is designed to encourage students to use devices in a safe manner, think critically about how they interact with others and share online, as well as strike a balance with technology.  Parents can read more about the curriculum on the  ACPS Technology and Learning Blog.

In preparation for digital citizenship week, ACPS teachers participating in the Teacher Leadership Project engaged in meaningful discussions regarding the importance of teaching and modeling digital citizenship to students of all ages. Elementary teachers discussed online safety and privacy, while middle and high school teachers shared the importance of digital identity and understanding the permanence of online behaviors. Their passion for students was evident as they articulated the need to continually teach and model for students both inside and outside the classroom space.

copy-of-img_0141ACPS is dedicated to providing a healthy environment for our students.  In the same way we teach students to be safe on the playground, we help them develop skills to make responsible decisions in digital spaces.  Although it looks different in 1st grade and 11th grade, teaching students in ACPS to be positive digital citizens empowers them to make decisions that keep them healthy and ready to learn.

Families can participate in Digital Citizenship Week at home by taking the pledge to participate in #DeviceFreeDinner. Parents can also register to receive tips and ratings from Common Sense Media’s blog.  Watch the ACPS Facebook page throughout the week for more tips for parents.
