School Board Nears Completion of Three-Year Policy Review

- Resources

The Alexandria City School Board is nearing the end of its three-year of the school division policies. Almost all of the policies have been updated during this process.

The Superintendent is committed to upholding the Board policies, which are fundamental to the day-to-day operation of the schools. While policies set out a framework and operational structure for the division, the accompanying regulation (denoted by a –R in the title) detail how the policies will be implemented.

Policies are constantly reviewed as changes required by the Virginia General Assembly, Virginia Department of Education or division circumstances require. However, it has been several years since a holistic review of all 380 policies has taken place. The review was initiated by the School Board in 2013, and will take place every three years going forward.

The latest policies to be reviewed relate to the redistricting process. The School Board will discuss policy JCE regarding redistricting implementation at its December 6, 2016 work session.

There are 11 major classifications for the School Board policies, each bearing an alphabetical code:

A current copy of all Division policies and regulations approved by the School Board are posted on the ACPS website and are available to employees and the public.

All policies are indexed and searchable. Printed copies of the policies and regulations are available as needed to citizens who do not have online access.

The Superintendent is charged with making sure that an annual announcement is made at the beginning of the school year and, for parents of students who enroll later in the academic year, at the time of enrollment, advising the public regarding the availability of the policies.

If you have questions regarding a particular topic that you are unable to find a related policy for, please contact the Superintendent for an explanation of the administration’s interpretation of that particular area.