Do you want to know what your child is up to on social media? Do you want to know how you can best supervise them or help them learn how to be responsible, so they use it wisely and do not get themselves into trouble?
ACPS is hosting a free social media presentation for parents of ACPS middle and high school students on Friday, January 29 at Minnie Howard Campus, 6–8 p.m. Pizza and hot chocolate will be provided for all parents who participate. This is a parents only event so please leave your teens at home for the evening!
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The event is designed to keep our student body safe and to give parents a proactive way to start a dialog with their kids about being smart on social media.

Josh Ochs is a social media safety speaker and travels the country teaching social media.
Social media safety speaker Josh Ochs will be flying in from the West Coast specifically for this event. The event will be about social media safety. As part of his presentation, he will be showing parents how social media can be used to impress colleges and future employers. The presentation will bring parents up to speed on the latest apps and show you how to talk with your children about using digital tools to shine online.
Ochs will be talking about:
- What apps are unsafe (and others you should encourage your children to use)
- What apps are a waste of time for your teens and tweens
- How to analyze your Google results to see what colleges and future employers will find
- How to bury bad Google results from other users with your similar name
- Examples of good and bad posts that colleges may find
- Examples from real seniors that are using social media correctly
- Seven networks your kids need to be on to shine online
Ochs has a background in marketing at Disney. He travels the nation speaking to over 30,000 children each year, sharing with them tips they can use to create a positive online presence.
Before the parents-only evening session, Ochs will be conducting social media safety sessions with all ninth-graders at Minnie Howard. A video of the student session will be online.
Can’t wait for the social media presentation? Learn what apps are safe for your children.