Your Input is Needed: Take the Workplace Wellness Survey

Feet in running shoes going up wooden stairs
- News and Announcements

Want to help to create a workplace wellness program that works for you? Participate in the ACPS Finding Fit survey. Just 10 minutes is all it takes.

Last spring ACPS launched a new workplace wellness program, ACPS Finding Fit, which held the inaugural Spring Movement Challenge. This year, the ACPS Finding Fit Team plans to do even more and your input is needed to ensure the program’s success.

Participate in the survey so that you can help shape our wellness program. Your input will help tailor upcoming events and opportunities to meet the needs of ACPS employees. It will also help the ACPS Finding Fit Team streamline communications and develop an efficient plan for delivering health-related messages and initiatives.

  • What keeps you motivated?
  • What types of workplace programs and health topics interest you most?
  • In what types of programs are you most likely to participate in a workplace setting?

Take the survey now and tell us.

The survey will close at midnight on Monday, October 10.