Update for ACPS Finding Fit Wellness Challenge


ACPS Wellness Bingo is ending soon with a second-quarter challenge ready to roll. We hope you enjoyed checking off the boxes while taking an active role in your wellness. Raffle entries are due by Nov. 16. Every five boxes equal one raffle ticket. So far, Alexandria City High School, George Washington Middle School, Francis C. Hammond Middle School and Central Office are tied for the most entries. Submit your bingo card to gain raffle entries using this Google Form

The second quarter division-wide wellness event is the ACPS Finding Fit “Healthy” Recipe Swap. Share a favorite healthy recipe as the division puts together our first ACPS Finding Fit Recipe Book that will be available electronically for all staff. Recipes can be submitted through Jan. 28 using this Google Form.

“ACPS Finding Fit, our Employee Wellness Program, cares about your wellbeing and strives to support and encourage our employees to enhance their quality of life while focusing on the main tenets of wellness: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, environmental, and social. Each quarterly wellness initiative is meant to be enjoyable, bring a smile to your face, and support you taking an active role in your health,” said Kristin Donley, co-coordinator of ACPS Finding Fit.