Social, Emotional and Academic Support at ACPS


Amid the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and systemic racism that have impacted our students, ACPS recognizes the need to maintain a curriculum focused on students’ social, emotional and academic learning (SEAL) needs. With this in mind, students will continue to receive SEAL lessons as part of their daily experience. These lessons provide students with the opportunity to explore understandings of their emotions, build connections with their peers and school staff, and explore additional academic and career topics. Students who need additional SEAL supports will be identified through the school’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) process and provided with additional interventions.

The emotional and social well-being of all students is a top priority at ACPS. Student Support Team staff, including school counselors, school nurses, school psychologists, and school social workers are available during regular school hours. We are ready to assist students and families with questions regarding academics and classes, emotional concerns, and post-secondary planning. The Department of Student Services and Equity staff members are also available during this time and can be contacted by: