Professional Development Highlights: Summer Opportunities

Professional Development Highlights
- News and Announcements

For the third consecutive summer, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction will offer summer professional learning for ACPS teachers K-12. Course offerings will provide teachers with the knowledge, skills and materials to meet the needs of our students. A major focus in all sessions will be differentiation strategies for diverse student populations. All courses are aligned to the goals outlined in the ACPS 2020 Strategic Plan and provide participants with skills and tools to ensure that Every Student Succeeds. View the comprehensive listing of offerings on the Summer Content Academy website.

To register, please log into the PLMS website.

Elementary Economics Institute

This in-depth institute allows teachers to experience methods for teaching elementary economics Standards of Learning in a manner that is hands-on, effective , fun, and differentiated to meet the needs of diverse learners. Designed to strengthen and deepen a teacher’s understanding of these concepts, it also provides a variety of resources ready for use in the classroom, including lessons, simulations and demonstrations linked to children’s literature.

Essential Questions

  • What is an economic way of thinking?
  • How can we teach social studies standards through an integrated, interdisciplinary approach?

Participants will:

  • Explore and demonstrate knowledge of essential understandings and key concepts in economics
  • Understand and develop interdisciplinary connections for instruction in social studies, mathematics, and literacy
  • Apply economics strands to children’s literature and develop integrated social studies and literacy lessons #14924 

K-2 Science for English Language Learners

Essential Questions

  • How can teachers improve science learning for linguistically and culturally diverse of students?
  • How can the complementary fields of inquiry-based science instruction and English language teaching be best integrated?

Participants will:

  • Experience hands-on teaching strategies that are targeted for K-2 English Learners
  • Review best practices and activities to engage students at different English proficiency levels

This two-day workshop provides the opportunity for teachers to learn and practice effective science teaching strategies that are targeted for K-2 English Learners (EL). Participants will identify the levels of English proficiency of their students and learn effective strategies, through authentic science activities, that will engage students at different English proficiency levels. The workshop is structured to maximize the participant experience by using multiple opportunities to reflect on their current practice while actively learning and practicing new strategies that will meet the needs of all their students. #14927 

ACPS K-5 Comprehensive Literacy 101 Content Academy

Essential Questions

  • How can K-5 teachers use the ACPS Comprehensive Literacy Framework to help their students reach high levels of literacy?
  • How can they meet the diverse literacy needs of their students while still teaching grade-level standards?

During the full-day session, participants will learn the key components of the ACPS K-5 Comprehensive Literacy Framework. Participants will explore focus lessons, interactive read aloud, shared reading, small-group differentiated reading instruction/independent reading, collaborative and independent work stations, word study and writing workshop through model lessons, exemplar videos and lesson plans.  This session will be especially useful for new teachers or teachers new to ACPS literacy instruction who want to start the year strong. By the end of the session, teachers will be able to state how they will use the ACPS Comprehensive Literacy Framework to meet the Tier I needs of all students, including students identified as TAG, SPED or EL. #14934 

Guided Inquiry Design in Action

Essential Questions

  • How can librarians facilitate student learning through Guided Inquiry?
  • How can librarians collaborate with teachers and Technology Integration Specialists to support the ACPS curriculum?
  • Where does information literacy fit into all of this?

By immersing themselves in the inquiry process, participants will refine their knowledge of the key components of Guided Inquiry while simultaneously creating inquiry experiences for students and teachers. By the end of the 2-day session, librarians will develop a lesson (or series of lessons) that integrates information literacy and academic content using available ACPS and public library resources. #14955

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