Mandatory Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Required by January 31

- News and Announcements

As announced last October, all staff members are required to complete online sexual harassment prevention training by January 31. Those who have not completed it, should have received an email reminder with directions on how to complete the training.

To view or access your training, sign in to FirstNetlearning online university and access the ‘My Training’ tab. Your username is your ACPS email address and the password is “safety.” Once you have logged in, you will be prompted to change your password and update your profile. Note, the member number for ACPS is 001.

ACPS launched the online university to give staff anytime, anywhere access to online training. ACPS is primarily using this platform for compliance training in areas such as sexual harassment prevention, however, you can request other course enrollments that are related to your job or your manager may assign courses for your professional development.

Please contact Sandra Hardeman with questions.  If you have questions about the training center or the course, please contact FirstNet Learning’s help desk at 1-888-948-4949 x1.