Have Your Say About the 2019-20 Academic Calendar

Calendar with pin in a date
- News and Announcements

Although we are just a few weeks into the school year, it’s already time to begin work on the academic calendar for the 2019-20 school year.

Did you know?

  • Winter Break is usually 8 days each year but has been a full two weeks in the past. It changes depending on what day of the week Christmas and New Years fall. We try to avoid too long of a break to avoid learning loss.
  • Teacher work days come at the end of the quarter to give teachers time to complete grades.
  • We try to align our spring break with other Northern Virginia school divisions in order to minimize the effect on athletic schedules.
  • We are sensitive to religious holidays and try to take them into account in the academic calendar and when planning division events.

Curious about how it all comes together when other holidays and state requirements are thrown into the mix?

Here is your chance to get an insider view and have a say by joining the 2019-20 Academic Calendar Committee.

As a committee, you’ll make recommendations to the superintendent for the 2019-20 calendar and collaborate with a team to develop the public survey that’s used to gather public comments and feedback on potential changes to the calendar. Once that feedback has been received, you’ll help to evaluate the responses to see if the sentiment supports or opposes various options.

The committee will hold two or three 90-minute meetings to develop and recommend a draft academic calendar for the Superintendent to present to the School Board. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 3 from 3:45 to 5:00 p.m. at ACPS Central Office in Room 510-1. 

The committee’s work will be complete when the School Board approves the ACPS academic calendars, tentatively scheduled for December 2018.

If you are a parent or staff member (or both) and have interest in participating, please email Jim Loomis.

Not able to participate in the committee?

Staff members will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the drafts of the calendar through an online survey later in the process. Stay tuned.