ACPS Transitions to COVID-19 Symptom Self-Check


Beginning Mon., April 25, 2022, ACPS will transition to a Self-Check: Daily Symptom Checklist, replacing the daily online surveys currently required for both students and staff. This change is a result of continued reviews of ACPS COVID-19 protocols as guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Virginia Department of Health is updated.

ACPS asks all students and their families as well as staff to review the questions found at the Self-Check: Daily Symptom Checklist website each day before going to work or school. This list of questions is a self-check, meaning that individuals will complete these questions on their own instead of completing a daily online survey that is submitted to the school or worksite.

Should anyone be able to respond “YES” to any of the questions, they should plan to stay home and consider COVID-19 testing and/or reaching out to their medical provider.

During the first few weeks of the transition, reminders will be provided to families and staff via email and text message. Additionally, the questions will be posted prominently at school entrances in Amharic, Arabic, English, and Spanish for review as individuals come into buildings and worksites.