ACPS Honored Administrative Professionals on April 27, 2022


Our stellar team of administrative professionals in Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS) are honored each year on the Wednesday of the last full week of April. While Administrative Professionals Day has undergone a number of name changes, its initial goal remains to recognize the contributions of administrative professionals.

The title “administrative professional” serves as an umbrella term for nearly 100 jobs. According to the International Association of Administrative Professionals, administrative professionals are workers who are responsible for administrative tasks and coordinate information in order to support an office environment. Job duties include assistance to executive leadership, office management, receptionist, data entry and record maintenance, among many others.

“Our administrative professionals in ACPS are the quiet hum in the background that helps keep everything running smoothly in our schools and departments. We recognize how hard they work and thank them for all they do to help our students, staff and families,” said Superintendent Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr.

Our administrative professionals in ACPS are vital in serving the school division. Their time, hard work and attention to detail is highly valued and we thank our administrative professionals for all they do that benefits our students and schools. Highlights from the day on social media can be viewed at #ThnxACPSAdmins on Facebook and Twitter.