ACPS 2020 Health and Wellness Goals on Target in First Year

- News and Announcements

ACPS met, improved upon or remained consistent across all targets for the Health and Wellness goals set for the first year of the ACPS 2020 Strategic Plan, according to data released on Thursday.

boy on bikeKey Performance Indicators showed that 50 percent of all targets were met and 8 percent showed improvement, while performance in 42 percent of all areas was consistent with the performance of the previous year for Goal 5: Health and Wellness. There were no areas of decline. The results of all five years will be charted on an ACPS 2020 Dashboard.

The results indicate that ACPS is on track in its goal of fulfilling its mission of seeing every student healthy, well and ready to learn, which is a critical part of the overall mission of seeing every student succeed.

“All too frequently we focus on academics and academic results, but a core element of K12 education is the health and wellness of our students, not just in terms of making sure they are fit to learn, but also in terms of growing productive citizens of the future. This includes student physical health, social and emotional health and how are we achieving these in terms of recreational opportunities, nutritious meals and the fostering of persistence and resilience,” said Clinton Page, Chief Accountability Officer.

Goal 5 focuses on student physical, social and emotional health, values, experiences and qualities that benefit young people. It also focuses on physical fitness, recreation and play as well as healthy meals and nutrition.

CbmAc1KUYAAkDG8In terms of the targets met in the first year, ACPS saw an increase in the number of schools participating in the Governor’s Report Card on the School Health Index, as well as a doubling in the number of schools implementing Positive Behavior Support and Intervention Systems with fidelity from five to ten schools. ACPS also saw increases in the ratio of students at the secondary level consuming the meals available to them through the free and reduced school meal program.

ACPS saw the Development Asset rating for student achievement motivation move from 69 to 72 percent. Chronic absenteeism remained consistent at 12 percent – compared to the national average of 14 percent. Although the Development Asset results for student personal power remained consistent at 36 percent in year one of the ACPS 2020 plan, this was recognized as not ideal and will be a focus for the work this coming year.

In year two of the ACPS 2020 Strategic Plan, ACPS will continue the implementation of the Multi-Tiered System of Support, by developing a tiered Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) process to differentiate student needs. The school division will also look to continue to implement Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports with consistency across all schools and expand professional development opportunities to support health and wellness goals.

“One of the most important things is to reach out to students and their families and to let them know about the importance of school, that they are missed when they do not show up to school and that it can make a difference in their life,” said Dr. Julie Crawford, Chief of Student Services, Alternative Programs and Equity.

View the presentation to the School Board of the Goal 5 data.

View the Goal 5 data.